- Gavan Reilly - https://gavreilly.com -

21st Century Travel

A short one today, as I’m abroad for the day and won’t get much time to write a full entry.

I’ll be brief: recall if you will my earlier post [1] on public transport and how a national policy – in Ireland at the very least – very rarely seems to be properly co-ordinated as well as it should.

Well, the proof is in the pudding. Right now on IrishRail.ie I can’t even find a fare to get from Dublin to Cork – but I know from experience that a return fare to Kerry is about €65 return. Last August the missus and I had to get off to a family wedding down south – so we flew. It was €45 (even including Ryanair’s rape of a handling charge) and we got there in 25 minutes. Carbon footprint, how are ya.

Today the boys of the gaff are in Newcastle (the girls were meant to be joining us but have individually barring circumstances). The return AirCoach – from our door to the airport – costs €12. The Ryanair handling charge is €10 (each! Paying for four people for two flights each – eight times €5 – €40 for one transaction!).

The actual fares to get to Newcastle? One euro, each way, tax and charges included. Total payment to Ryanair €12. Total fare to airport €12. Total day trip to Newcastle €24. Total national public transport fare to Kerry, €65 plus buses into the city.

And you wonder why people don’t want to travel around Ireland in a smelly under-secured overpriced ever-delayed can of sardines instead of getting abroad in as long as it takes to take a train to Newbridge. I know I won’t be, and no €5 air tax is going to make the blindest bit of difference if Iarnród Éireann just keep raising fares on an annual basis for no good reason.