Gavan Reilly

thinking out loud

Archive for the ‘Lauren Conrad’ tag

The Reality of Fake TV

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The Missus is sat beside me here, borderline wetting herself with excitement. Somewhere across the interweb, Ben Kenealy is probably doing likewise. And in far too many bedrooms and living rooms around the British Isles, a worrying amount of adolescent – and an even more disconcerting number of post-adolescent – people are practically paralytic with a potent cocktail of excitement and nervousness.

Why? Because it’s nearly 8.30pm and MTV are about to show a new episode of The Hills.

As you probably could guess with remarkable ease, The Hills is something that has always, always perplexed me. Basically the show is a spinoff of an earlier MTV show Laguna Beach, following Lauren Conrad and her pile of somewhat-well-cast group of “friends” playing themselves in a dramatised version of their own lives. The show is billed as Reality TV – but given the fact that there’s curiously always a microphone on a peripheral character who might become pivotal to any particular scene, it’s quite obvious that the show isn’t. Read the rest of this entry »

Written by Gav

January 11th, 2009 at 9:15 pm